Dienstag, 11. Februar 2014

how to build a LED Display by LED Rigid Bars Portable, Foldable Led Strip Aluminium Bar

This is a DIY "Text&Video" wich Shows you, how to build an own LED Display in Large Sizes different Pixel Pitches Different IC Chips different control methods available, for outdoor & Indoor. All depends on your Requests we offer ways to build your Display Flexible, Stable, on Cars, Trucks, Stages, Advertisement Banners, Windows, there are several methods to use These Special System for your own creative Projects.

This Project is about LED Aluminium Rigid Bars the LED PCBA is embed in the aluminiumbars with epoxy resin, so they are Waterproof and same time cooled through the Aluminum Profile, there are also possibility to cover the bars with several clear or non clear pvc tubes to cover the LED´s.

So for first you should prepare all your Spare and assembling parts you Need for your Project.
Buy, order or just collect all the needed Components for this Project, the most accessories are Optional means they’re modified for my project you can change or variety the accessories like PCB color, waterproof or none of the LED strip, controller Type, Connection Method, T - Cable for +- supply, The Surface you can change to different materials or Underground, big Advertisement opportunity,

We offer all the accessories and assembling parts for this project and a lot of other LED supply (TOP PRICE TOP QUALITY FULL WARRANTY) so we will assist you for questions and Price inquires.


Heat Gun, side cutter, cutter knife, cable holders, cable tie´s, Drilling machine, Drillers, several other knifes, paper tape, iso tape,hot iron+flux,
Shrinking Tube, cables, fast connectors, rigid holders, Surface of course 
about 10 meters cables depend on Project

Make sure you have the following components for this project .:
Underground - Surface match your requested size (we use 1100 X 2200mm)
The LED Rigid Bars or Tubes we use (P30 1000mmX18mm)
Power - Check your Power consumption by calculating your Watts
Check your Controller and or System, we take a T1000SX Controller
Wires, Connectors, T Wire if you like the easy way (T-Cable ?? more downside)
How to Build your own Portable LED Rigid Bar DIY Full Controllable..

How to Build your own Portable LED Rigid Bar DIY Full Controllable..

Step 1.                      
Prepare your Material Hardware LED Supply´s and Assembling Tools
We use here 2PCS 1000X1000mm Aluminium Coated Panels lightweight good for the Transports later and also easy to handle and to prepare with drillers …. Power explanations below step12.

Step 2.                   
Remove protection Film (clean your chosen Surface if you wrap it to other colors)

Step 3. 
Make the Surface matt black with black wrap Foil

Step 4. 
Paste 2 tape lines on the Surface to get a straight line for all the LED rigid Bar holders

Step 5.                      
Mark your needed Distance for P30 and depending on the Diameter of the the bar 30mm

Step 6.          
Fix the Holders you get for your LED 5050 Rigid bars along the prefixed tape, with Screws Cross or starhead whatever you like, choose the right screws  to fix it tight, the NEW Model elektric-junkys.com Rigid Bars have an different Form and also Stronger and better Holders of aluminium. THE HOLDER´S POSITION IS IMPORTANT FOR THE WHOLE LOOK LATER  SO BE precisely After Fixed 3-5 pcs holders each side, try to add the first tubes to see if all fits well and if the Positions are ok, if so go on and Screw down all the Holders…

Step 7.          
Turn around the 2 Plates align them on a tight underground …Choose your foldable spare part solution (metal angle)align the 2 angles on about 200mm from each side, mark the screw holes with a pen. Drill with an 3mm metal or wood driller first, Turn around the Surface and drill up the holes on 6mm from the front to avoid damage the black matt foil. Use Countersunk screws to fix the metal angle with the Surface first screw one side after turn the plate again and screw the other side 

what we got is an Foldable 1000x2000mm LED Display Rack
Foldable on 1000x1000mm

Step 8.         
Now hang or lift up the assembled surface (Panels) and fix it on a rack fix it tight with the right technic to make sure it will not fall down later.

Step  9.         
At next you can start to push the rigid bars  into the click holders pay attention to inputs andoutputs they need to go on in a horizontal slave

Step 10.        

This step is actually not necessary its the harder and cheaper way to add an Extra Input of power to the led Bars from the power supply´s, but you have to cut on this project for example more than 30 wires soldering more than 30 then shrinking Tube and so on.. you can simply switch that step if you buy our self developed elektric-junkys.com T wire with this cable adaptor you can input Power on Various LED Products we produce OEM connectors and offer the LED Supply matching to the Power  and the Connectors. So before you cut the tubes consider if you use a Fast connector wire T wire or solder all …

Without that wire .:>>
*Cut each 4th & 5th Tube
*deisolate the wires
*solder the wires as they were connected by Plug matching Color
*add an extra wire for Input+ and Input gnd solder it (will go to Power supply)
*add shrinking Tubes over all of them and shrink it with the heat gun


Step 11.        
Before we assemble all Finally just run a short test, connect all the Positive+ and Negative
gnd poles to the Power supply and see if all work well Special controller we use here for the 

MY Chips 
*Red - 5V+
*blue – gnd 
*green – dat 

Step 12.        
Ok after all run well we can go on with a topic we have to pay most attention,THE
POWER is one oft the absolute priority in this project, if you don't have enough Power to
support your screen, there will be fails later, gamma fails, pixel fails and more, so
calculate your exact power for your display calculated by meter in our descriptions you
can see the Consumption per/M we don't want you to meet Problems later we offer all
kind of power sources  contact us our visit our shop we use here 3 different power
supply to Show how we exactly trafficking the Power.

*Cut a PCS oft he same aluminium Plated surface about 250mmx400mm
*add  several double-sided adhesive tape´s to add the power supply and the
Controller, be secure add „only“ 2 dots Fix all glue then nothing will happen
anymore, and you simply can remove them later..

Now we have the Plate assembled with the Power supply and going to Bridge the L & N (we take or accept no responsibility on that we just show up here how we do it if you do so you act on own risk)

Step 13.:
We are now adding the Assembled and Bridged Power supply panel to the LED Display,
to make it easy removable for Transport oft he display we create a flexible solution simply
drilled 2 holes on each edge oft he Power supply Panel  and added 2 Screws to the
LED Display, on this way you can easy remove the Power Panel from the Main LED
Display, Fold it and just transport

Step 14.:
Now we are going over to the wiring, it looks really mess isn't it, so we are using the clips
they got a self Adhesive 3m tape on theyre backsides so peel the film and add the
plastic clip or dock holder to the place where the cables should go, add a cable tie to fhe
cables among the plastic docks through the Power supply

Step 15.:
After you bring all the needed cables in one line, you can begin with connect all the wires
to the Power Board ... all Positive + Poles to N all negative - poles to gnd The Controller
should be added to the First Rigid Bar together with a fresh Independent +- 
That`s it for the DIY directions the rest is programming your DATA Videos Files, Text, Animations, Presentations whatever you are able now to use this LED Panel as full Advertisement Solution, there are several control methods to control the Display via LIVE transmitting from computer or Media Players not only T1000S SD Card controllers
For questions or ideas give us a comment or send us an email to